Saturday, August 27, 2005

Politics: Dowd on W.

Seemingly refreshed and reinvigorated after her recent book leave, Maureen has been digging into Bush's ass with a king sized shovel in her last few columns.

The tone deafness of a president taking the longest vacation on record in the middle of a war against an escalating insurgency (although I wonder at the use of the word when it's mostly Iraqis fighting us in Iraq...what's 'insurgent' about that?) puts me in mind of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Anti-war protestors camped in the Texas summer sun rallying around the grieving mother of a fallen soldier, while the "Commander in Chief" rides his bike with Lance Armstrong and holds air conditioned court for fawning reporters....a real "man of the people", that W.

(Note to midwestern "values voters": He didn't get a string of Gentleman's C's at Yale to protest the dominance of the blue blood elite, he got them because he was too busy snorting coke and partying down to study.)

Given his tanking approval ratings*, it doesn't surprise me he prefers posing in his truck for photo ops in La-La Land over surveying the grim reality his policies have created.

But just as record execs are finally paying their own piper for decades of artist abuse and price gouging, so will Bush eventually reap what he's sown.

If not in his lifetime, when future historians document his reign as the most incompetent, mendacious and immoral US administration within 50 years either way on the timeline. Nixon's Watergate posse looks like a bunch of panty-sniffing B&E pikers compared to this group...which is odd, since there are so many familiar faces from his administration making hay with this one.

* r/e Dear Leader's 56% job disapproval rating:
at what point does the "liberal press" stop sucking him off and start calling him an "unpopular, embattled" president?

Nostradamus was a hack....Orwell is the real prophet.

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