Friday, February 11, 2011

Morning Request

Fuss is still under the weather and so particularly fussy. Breakfast provoked a squall of wailing and thrashing and the concrete demand "wanna watch a show, dada!"

Being nothing if not flexible in the face of an implacable, ill toddler I asked his preference.

"Wanna watch paper ghosties! Paper ghosties chase-a the dragon through the door!"

Which is Fuss Speak for Spirited Away. He claimed not to like it at the time ("dada, too creepy! Too creepy!") but, as is often the case, it now fascinates him.

Devra did a large painting that sits downstairs in Meek's hallway, a refrigerator sized depiction of a vaguely cannibalistic neo-fetus hovering over a blasted wasteland, as if its oversized head were a balloon.

Originally, Fuss was terrified of it and refused to enter the apartment unless the "scary guy" was hidden, turned to the wall. This evolved to still wanting the Scary Guy facing the wall, but visiting him and peeking into the dark crack between painting and wall for a glimpse of mystery. At some point the full Scary Guy experience, proudly face-out, became a focal point of any downstairs visit. And once, when Meek had moved it out of the hallway during a cleaning binge, Fuss collapsed on the floor in pain, wailing, thrashing and demanding the return of Scary Guy.

Which I'm sure says something profound about human nature...maybe I'll figure out what after my first cup of coffee.

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