Thursday, February 10, 2011

Geographic Tongue

Ran Fuss by the doc this afternoon to have his tongue checked out- he got these weird circles on it a few days ago, about when we both started getting sick. It's one of those "probably nothing" things that I'd ignore if I caught it while brushing my own teeth, but with the Little Man even minor mysteries arrive clothed in worry and tracking concern all over the rug.

The checklist went

- fever: over it, temp normal.
- wart on thumb: nothing to be done until he's older, not dangerous.
- red spot on ankle: legacy of Dada's weird skin issues, nothing to be done about it, not dangerous.

As for the the words of the doc

"He has what we call Geographic Tongue...when your tongue grows, it sheds skin. Some people shed little bits all over the tongue, some...well, that's your son. They shed in circles."

So, it was nothing to worry about and it'll make a great name for his first punk bad.

Everybody wins.

On the way home we swung by the store to pick up a check.
Spotting the weathervane on the courthouse building, Fuss grew excited-

"Look dada- a TURKEY! He's stuck up there!"

And commenting on the rather sedate flag atop the JP Andrews building:

"Dada, look- the flag's tired."

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