Sunday, February 6, 2011


He's always doing memorable things, things that seem indelible in the moment, but the cavalcade is endless and yesterday's tremendously, unforgettably cute act is overwritten by today's.

I'm hoping to be more diligent here, cataloging the variety of his achievements and outbursts.

This morning featured a routine diaper change that turned ugly, a shrieking, rolling tantrum that became a veritable Somme of the changing table. It was bad enough to rouse the wife from bed and chase Devra from the living room, where she had been companionably playing WoW on the couch. Apropos of nothing, out of the blue, the sort of freakout that left him hiccuping and red eyed for a good 15 minutes after.

On the other hand, last night as I gamed with Bobo (the game being mostly a reason to hang out and chat) he sat on my lap and demanded to see "the LITTLE BOB on the TURKEY. Wanna make the turkey JUMP!" He thinks my characters are all named Bob, because that's who talks to him out of the speakers. So the gnome is 'little bob' and his mechanostrider is 'the robot turkey'.

So the three of us did some quests, Bobo doing all the 'work' while I ran around sightseeing with Fuss banging on the spacebar to make the robot turkey jump.

He lives with disembodied voices, and I wonder what he thinks of them. The other night he chatted with Devra's sister via speakerphone, and sometimes he'll climb up on my computer chair and pronounce "wanna see BOB!" Sometimes Bob talks to him, sometimes Bob is mute- "Oh...Bob's asleep," he'll explain to me. Characters can run around and do things, but if they aren't animated with Bobo's long distance commentary they're really asleep.

Also last night we were halfway through a book about snakes when he stuffed his face into it, took a deep breath and said "Dada...smells like a BOOK! Dada...smells GOOD!" Then he made me smell it, and we chatted about how good it smelled.

Lately he likes to help me make breakfast, which constitutes scooping the coffee into the grinder and mixing the eggs. He used to push the button on the grinder for me, but now he puts both hands over his ears and shouts "TOO LOUD, DADA, TOO LOUD!", then smiles. And he likes to help do the dishes.

These contributions complicate matters, but he's always getting better- he hardly spills any coffee beans now, and it's been quite a while since the bowl of eggs tipped over.
He likes to be part of.

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