Monday, March 16, 2009

overheard in the stacks

arty lass all in black to her friend/clone:

You know what book didn't impress me? Wuthering Heights!

Hopefully the copy of Connell'sDiary of a Rapist she picked up will be more to her taste.

gal in a big Disney sweatshirt bearing the legend GROUP HUG under a graphic of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger sandwiching Eeyore:

Wow, this place is way better than a real bookstore!


  1. Considering readers, who will pay to read me? The all in black crowd who used to eschew Wuthering Heights who now either live in or face the possibility of living in an assisted living facility? Or the new all in black crowd who prefer behind the hairy eyeballs of raptist accounts to Wuthering Heights? I'll get back to after I find a way to entice an audience, probably not all in black, to at the very least eschew my Whatever Heights.

  2. In a world where gothic youth feel free to discount the value of Wuthering Heights, maybe we should all just watch the Top Chef marathon...
