Saturday, January 17, 2009

weekend update

Cousin Don is finishing off the last bits of hardwood floor, putting in baseboards and flooring the bathroom today.
And with that the transformation of the bottom floor will be nearly complete.
Nearly, because the hallway/kitchen/laundry/furance room is still a complete disaster, but disaster that can only be addressed by massive structural upheaval.
The eventual dream is to move the washer, dryer and water heater into the garage (the furnace is a much grander undertaking).
Why weren't they installed there to begin with?
Excellent question!
I'll file it away with other little household mysteries, like "why is the staircase situated to take up maximum space" and "why are the kitchen cabinets so close to the counter top you can't really use the back half" and "why does the upstairs bedroom span the whole front of the house like the command deck of an oil tanker"?

I finally finished scaling the Mt Everest of dirty laundry that had accumulated during the Washer Interregnum.
I'm so in love with the new dryer I feel like proselytizing door to door, a Jehovah's Witness for Kenmore appliances.

The weather's so spectacular it's starting to make me nervous.
It's been like San Luis with a sea breeze.

Checked out Man on Wire the other night, highly recommended. An illuminating case study of someone who is basically crazy carrying out a preposterous, seemingly doomed scheme with little but the force of their own personality.
Happily, in this case the scheme was to run a wire between the Twin Towers for an unsanctioned public exhibition.

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