Because whenever you develop any sort of inchoate idea, you can be sure that someone, somewhere has poured themselves into describing your emotion with precision, and probably done a much better job of explaining it than you would if you'd taken the time to map our your position.
I instinctively hate The Family Guy because it is badly animated and not funny, but that was the extent of my consideration.
But every word of that guy's post rings the bronzed Bell of Truth with Mijolnir, the mythical hammer of Thor, god of Thunder and Rock and Roll.
See, my problem with it is that whoever this person is, he is presenting his list of 10 reasons why family guy is a bad show as if they are proving it. But seriously, they are all just claims based on personal opinion, and they are all claims I happen to disagree with, or don't care about.
ReplyDeleteSure, he has these opinions, but if I, and millions of other people disagree with him and still enjoy the show, boy be shit out of lucK.
Yes, but see, his opinions are right. =P
ReplyDeleteI don't mind that it's painfully derivative- it's a TV show, they rip each other off, that's just how they roll. The key point is there are no jokes, just a collection of cultural touchstones.
Which explains why I don't get it and nobody over 30 seems to get either. I didn't watch any of the shows he's referencing, so there's nothing there to entertain me.
I think he missed the point of why I personally think the show blows goat. The "protagonist", Peter, is an idiotic douchebag without redeeming qualities. The reason The Simpsons is still on the air is that the show has a heart. Sure, the producers mistakenly thought the show was about the junior delinquent antics of Bart. (As the initial round of merchandising and t-shirts clearly indicate. The show was supposed to be all about Bart's adventures.) But Homer has proven to be the heart and soul of the show because, despite being a selfish idiot, he also loves his family and will do the right thing in a pinch. Hence, 90% of latter day scripts are about Homer. Peter Griffin lacks these humanizing qualities, and is therefore deeply unlikeable. (This is from somebody who bought the first several seasons of Family Guy as a box-set, only to completely lose interest before he'd finished watching them.)
ReplyDeleteMost of his points are dead on. I can't really watch that show anymore.
ReplyDeleteAdult Swim forever!
people like what they like, I was just impressed by the way he vivisected why I don't 'get' the show. It's something I've actually thought about but never got anywhere with.