Monday, December 15, 2008

shiny new box

took advantage of CYBER MONDAY (which makes me think of sex-crazed nerds on AIM desperately typing each other to a ZORK-style climax) to order a new comp.

My main machine had a mobo problem, so I've been using the backup for a while and lately it has begun reminding me why I replaced it.

Dell had a deal going for a pretty good machine for the price of a new motherboard for the old box, so I bit.

So far so good, although it came with VISTA (I prefer XP, but the bastards wanted to charge me for it).

Vista, what can I say.
It is the penultimate expression of Microsoft's decades-long desire to possess Apple's casual elegance. Alas, they've gone about it like the cannibal who thought eating Einstein's brain would make him a genius.

In concrete terms, Vista plays Zune to Apple's iPod.

Oh well- if it annoys me enough I can wipe the drive and slap my old copy of XP down like a coat of fresh paint.


  1. it's like, if Apple outsourced their software to the Eastern Bloc company who made the Yugo, what came back would be Vista.

  2. I fought the move to Vista for a long time but I'm over it.

  3. it's ugly and annoying (hey, I have a great idea- let's HIDE the off switch!) but I'll probably end up being too lazy to wipe the drive and switch back to XP.

    We'll see...

  4. I had never thought that the words "you are about to be eaten by a grue" had a sexual connotation...till now.
