Monday, November 17, 2008

this takes the cake

I've read a lot of idiotic political spew over the last 8 years, but even this hardened observer gapes in awe at the monolithic intellectual dishonesty of Phil Gramm:

Speaking at a bankers’ conference that month, Mr. Gramm said the problem of predatory loans was not of the banks’ making. Instead, he faulted “predatory borrowers.” The American Banker, a trade publication, later reported that he was greeted “like a conquering hero.”

Let's say someone came in with a couple of bags of REALLY terrible books, and I bought them.

In the Phil Gramm-verse, the fault would lie not with this long suffering book buyer, with my years of experience in the industry and intimate knowledge of the marketplace, but rather with the PREDATORY SELLER who had the temerity to haul in a bunch of Harlequin romances and decade old textbooks, demanding I pay cash for them!

Just astonishing.
In a world of free market wonders unleashed by the economic collapse, this star shines brightest of all.

1 comment:

  1. He also introduced the legislation that made CDOs unregulated.
