Naive Progressives and Why They Piss Me Off, Prop 8 Edition:
So the big final ad push for the No on 8 crew is a happy appeal to the better nature of voters, showcasing smiling families being together, the implication being 'who would vote against THIS?'
Which I don't think will impress anyone except those who've already set up their tents in the NO on 8 campground.
What would've worked better is pointing out the army of Mormons and other out of state Fundie groups who've poured millions of dollars and thousands of volunteers into the Yes on 8 campaign.
Take a page from the tribes running casinos- when Vegas poured millions into a campaign for indian gaming regulation, they made sure the voters knew about it.
Fairness and equality are a hard sell here.
It's much easier to get people riled up about outsiders sticking their big noses in California's business.
Maybe I should become a big money political consultant...
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