Saturday, May 31, 2008


devra, from the comments:
Why is FM wearing such baggy clothes!


Ask and ye shall receive!

attn DEVRA

look at that HAIRY CHEST.

random thought

Old people who smell like they're homeless depress me.

today's random internet find

cataloging software

This looks pretty cool if you have a webcam.

I wonder how long before clicking on the graphic activates the content on your comp.

If nobody's working on that yet, they should get cracking.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Fun Titles

Sorting through a couple of boxes of donations I ran across these minor gems:

Prospecting for Uranium
published by the US Atomic Energy Commision

Nurse on the Run
tag line: you can't run away from your heart!

$20 Lust
tag line: The girl of his dreams was a gold plated nightmare!

Me, Hood!
a post-prime offering from Mickey Spillane

Amend the status of $20 Lust to astronomically rare collectible. It turns out that Andrew Shaw is a pseudonym for hot shot famous guy Lawrence Block.
And I can't find a copy anywhere online, which is positively unheard of this far into the onlining of the business.

Man, there's nothing on this book out there, just a couple of hits on the hardcover reprint.


True Customer Tales

Slack-jawed youth in a small black pork pie hat:
Do you have any, uh, religion books?

Eastern or Western?

No, religion.

Mmmhmmm. Are you looking for eastern religion or western religion?

(20 second pause, not exaggerating)
...uh, Christianity?

Western religion- right this way.

sweet 80's compilaion

Left of the Dial: Dispatches From The '80s Underground.

It has an eye for a broader range of styles than the usual agglomeration of early MTV electropop hit-lets. It's like a snapshot of Bobo's record collection circa George Street, minus the early industrial stuff.

Highly recommended, whether or not you remember the tunes firsthand.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Music Watch

I've been doing other things than keeping on top of the latest and greatest, but here are a couple of good recent releases.

April by Sun Kil Moon will appeal to fans of the acoustic side of the Red House Painters.
It's not on par with the epic Ghosts of the Great Highway, but it's an enjoyable listen.

The wife is stoked on Hot Chip, a tribe of Brits who seem intent on resurrecting the good parts of 80's pop music. Fun stuff.

If you want some borderline catatonic retro-electro stuff that'd go unnoticed in the soundtrack of an Antonioni flick circa 1968, check out Silent Movie by Quiet Village. It's just 'there' enough to avoid being wallpaper, which makes it great music for work.

great book cover

For a new edition of Lord of the Flies:

(click for non-compressed version)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Date with Crazy

So this bipolar street person I threw out a few weeks back reappeared today, instigating a confrontation that ended with Johnny Law corralling him outside and having a spirited discussion about the dire consequences of any future intrusions.

Amidst the speed-freak blather about his "people on the street" getting all up in my business, he had one pretty good line:

Charles Manson is going to visit your house TONIGHT!

I figure it's a long shot, but I grabbed a copy of Helter Skelter for him to sign on the off chance.

overheard on the street

the other night at 2:30am after visiting the coast:

A couple of college lads stumbled up & asked me where the nearest place to eat was.
I disappointed them with directions back downtown, the way they'd come.

one staggering drunk:
where the fuck do we go now?

the other staggering drunk, snarling:
Fuck off, I'm pulling my underwear out of my CRACK!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

post your walkscore

enter address for rating.

I rocked the box with a 92, w00t.

I feel I should get bonus points for being within walking distance of work.


DT: 75

Bobo: 55

Huddy: 35

Ivanus: 22

Woody: 9 (!)

strange turn of events

There's been a sea change in the ground rules of visiting our niece & family.

As noted previously, Timmy's traditional behavior is to screen 10 or so minutes of a handful of different films, whichever recent purchases have sunk barbs into his subconscious.

This cornerstone of our social relationship was cracked on my birthday, when I was allowed to not only choose one film to watch but enjoy it all the way through to the final credits.

On our last visit we made it to the end of OniBaba.

And last night we endured a disorienting extension of this New Way as we got through an entire tripleheader- Visions of Light, a good doc on major cinematographers, Wild Bill , a doc on director William Wellman (very interesting cat, although the doc was hamstrung by TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE WRITING. Alec Baldwin did the honors narrating, and at times sounded like he was in the middle of an SNL parody) and capped it off with The Shining, in widescreen at long last.

The archetypal truth of the Shining becomes more pronounced the older I get.
Although I suppose its profundity may be especially evident to people raised by desperate maniacs. It's almost too bad Kubrick coaxed that performance out of Jack. Nicholson never did manage to get that genie entirely back in the bottle.

Seeing entire films was wonderful, but if the trend continues we'll have to re-jigger the whole visitation process as 3am was approaching by the time we got to bed.
Needless to say this is sub optimal for an old man who works Saturdays.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I come across all kinds of weird stuff in books, or in boxes of books.

Today's treasure is a piece of junk mail from Kenneth Copeland Ministries.

There's a little brochure that reads

Thank you for being My connection to that person. I want to bless them and be kind and merciful to them,But I have no connection except through you. Thank you for showing them My love.

- Your Heavenly Father

The photomontage on the back includes what appears to be a goth chick, a wino & an African gal with de riguer hunger-distended belly.

It seems pretty sassy to couch your plea for greenbacks in the form of a direct plea from the almighty.

But this is my favorite bit, from the donation slip:

Heavenly Father, I sow my seed of $____________ this month, laying my hands on it and calling it blessed to be a blessing!

(your contributions can also be made online at or by calling us at 800-xxx-xxxx.)


True Customer Tales

lawyer-y type in a peach dress shirt:

I've been walking by for years and never come in...we killed our TV, I need a new hobby!

why we need reporters

Because if you don't run around looking for interesting stuff you end up talking about walking to work, posting pictures of your new rice cooker, chatting about movies, relaying funny things you overhear on the street & commenting on various internet phenomenons.

Like me!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

underrated tunes

Jane's Addiction's first album is great.

Listened to it for the first time in maybe 5 years- it still delivers.

Great, great band.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Iron Man

Good fun comic book movie.
Hewed to the spirit of the orignal, script was snappy, fun and well constructed with only a few detours into lazy Big Hollywood Blockbuster Storytelling, acting was top drawer, especially Robert Downey Jr,and all the superpower stuff was seamlessly well done.

Even the wife liked it in the limited way she feels admiration for well done geek-ness.
She even sat through the credits with me to catch Sam Jackson's cameo as Nick Fury, Agent of Shield.

And the movie had strange powers of geomancy- when we went in it was 90 degrees and miserable, when we came out it was 70 degrees and pleasant.

Very nice!


Still f'ing hot, but I blog on, my solemn responsibility to my readers overcoming my desire to lie inert in a puddle of my own sweat.

The coast was just lovely.
Eighty or so with a nice cool sea breeze.
We split a sandwich at a cafe by the bay then adjourned to the little boat dock & watched a flight of white pelicans bob for fish and take baths out on the water.
It was scenic as hell, which I'd never noticed before in spite of growing up there and spending quite a bit of my childhood riding my bike to that pier with my dog to tromp around on the mud flats, or go for a float in my leaky inflatable raft.

I attribute this to my improved mental health rather than some comprehensive & arcane urban renewal program.

Forgot the camera, so no pix for Anner.
I do have a shot of breakfast in the yard the other day.
Hopefully this will placate her.

A guy just brought in a copy of White Line Fever, the autobiography of Motorhead's lead singer Lemmy.
That baby's coming home with me!

Friday, May 16, 2008

can't blog...

....too hot.

going to the coast for the day, watch for updates on the morrow.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

true customer tales

disheveled neo-homeless older fellow with a giant backpack and a dirty ballcap with an American flag embroidered patch on the front comes in.

Is there someone here who pays cash for whatever?

If you have books, I'll take a look at them.

I have these DVDs.

We don't buy DVDs. Just books.

You don't buy DVDs?

No. Just books.

Oh. What should I do with them then?

Whatever you want. We don't buy them, though.


*shuffles out the door*


He just wandered back in.

I do have a couple of books. I don't want them, I don't need to sell them...I don't need the money. I should probably just throw them out. I don't need them.

I'll take a look a them.

Ballcap, digging around in his pack:
I don't need to come in here...I don't need money, I should just throw these away. I mean, I'll come in here to buy books, but I don't need the money. I can just give these away.

Not surprisingly, he had nothing I was interested in.
With a few more assurances that he didn't need the money, he resumed his life's journey.

baby update + registry

I'm told that now we're registered at Target.

We started our Birthing from Within class, which I would have boycotted a few years back before discovering that certain aspects of hemp-weaving hippy culture work quite a bit better than their capitalist technocratic dopplegangers.

This week's discovery:

In the event of an unexpectedly fast labor & birth, DO NOT CUT THE CORD.


The cord is too short to allow the baby to breast feed.
Breast feeding after birth shuts down bleeding (ain't the body amazing?) so it's sorta important.
Otherwise NO! NO! NO!

And according to the 'being a father' chapter of our assigned reading now is the time when I should be encouraging the wife to rest (if I did this she'd turn into a cat, sleeping 20 hours a day), offer to do the shopping (I already do all the shopping- another missed opportunity!) and pick up the slack in the kitchen (I already do all the cooking).

The best (and only useful) advice I've gotten is DTs stern instruction that the pregnant woman is always right.

So far, so good.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

second birthday

Super awesome.
Great thai food, not one but TWO cards from my niece and as a concession to my advanced age (or just random chance, who really knows) the bro-in-law put on XTC and we watched Zulu all the way through.

Good times.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

birthday part one

My traditional sushi dinner was delightful as always.
Nothing beats sushi for a celebratory meal. I'll put some pix on flickr soon-ish.

But the highlight of the evening was the mind-blowing birthday cake Devra made me.
The wife argues that it was more of a tort...but it was my birthday so I'm pulling rank and staying with "cake".

Let me see if I can get the description right- a delicious chocolate crust topped with puffed rice & melted chocolate supporting two layers of mousse, one chocolate and one peanut butter. Beautiful chocolate frosting with a technical name I forget (Devra?) with chopped nuts pressed into the sides.

It was bar none the most delicious cake I've ever eaten.
And I'm not a cake guy- I'll eat a piece to be polite, but never before have I been stopped in my tracks by a raucous party of flavors cutting the proverbial rug on my taste buds. It was the culinary equivalent of crossing Cinco De Mayo with the Running of the Bulls, only to be attempted by trained professionals under controlled conditions.

DAMN that cake was good~!

Tonight we're off to dinner with timmy, burl & the Fiend & I'm looking forward to spreading the good word of Devra's chocolate gospel. I'm told the Fiend composed a special birthday card for me, which has excited my intense anticipation.

We're ordering Thai take out and having root beer floats, after which I'm sure timmy will put on some impenetrable avant garde jazz at conversation-destroying volume...or if we're lucky just play first 20 minutes or so of The Taking of Pelham 123, The Laughing Policeman, Winchester 73 and The Train in succession.

It's little mysteries like this that propel me through the day.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

canadian invasion!

broken social scene : cause = time
Love it love it love it. One of those songs I can listen to endlessly, it's on probably 8 mix CDs I've made. I always find a way to fit it in.

Arcade Fire : Laika
Great video.

Stars : Your Ex Lover is Dead
These guys are usually a little too saccharine for me, but this tune has enough edge to cut through.

Black Mountain : Druganaut
These cats are the spiritual ancestors of all those 70's dirtbags who had dreamcatchers roach-clipped into their hair. Excellent stuff for a certain mood.

Final Fantasy : This Lamb Sells Condos
Found this poking around the internets. Neat video. The fellow is described by more than one e-wag as "Canada's Andrew Bird". He bears investigating.

Wolf Parade : Shine a Light
Waiting on a new platter from these guys. Sunset Rubdown is a fine group, but they don't pack the same wallop.

Neko Case : Furnace Room Lullaby
My favorite vocalist. A voice like a spotlight in a dark room.
Her definitive disc is Blacklisted, a country noir opus of murder ballads via Patsy Cline.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

book title of the week

So You're Going to Wear the Kilt (revised 3rd edition) by J. Charles Thompson

Monday, May 5, 2008

random observation

when I was a kid everyone knew how to parallel park.

now, every time I see someone try it they end up backing over the curb, or it takes them 15 tries.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the cultural proliferation of lite beer & low tar cigarettes.

full disclosure: I'm a mediocre parallel parker

Viva Cinco De Mayo!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

car show

Hit the coast yesterday and ate lunch at the Taco Temple.
My chorizo & grilled onion taco special (always order off the board) was sumptuous, although the uninitiated would be hard pressed to identify the plate as "tacos" in any traditional sense.

It did incorporate hard fried shells, chorizo, & grilled onions, but from there spun off into a fanciful wonderland where lithe masked sprites rode unicorns along roads woven from strands of rainbow. I could only finish half the mass before a sense of opiated contentment overcame me.

While languishing in this dream state, before the chocolate bread pudding made with croissants arrived and delivered me stork-like to nirvana, my reverie was disrupted by a table full of middle aged bowling balls waxing rhapsodic over the impending car show.

There was some chatter about their "association" renting out an entire hotel, with details provided thusly:

"I brought a 20 pack!"
"20 pack? What good is that? I brought two thirty packs!"
*braying laughter*
"Twenty should thank god there's a liquor store next to the hotel!"

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you America!


ewok gospel.


Camper Flood!

A shamefully underrated band.