Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Payola Redux

Sony got slapped on the wrist for bribing media outlets to play the music of their crappy artists.

I think I've seen this movie before.

Interestingly, when the crime involved an individual (Alan Freed the first time around) it was a big scandal and shook the industry. Now, when the culprit is a huge corporation they're let off with a slap on the wrist (really, what's 10 million dollars to a congolomorate like Sony? It's like me getting a $25 jaywalking ticket) and are allowed to go their merry way with a casual promise to sin no more.

Just one of the problems with corporations.
Unless penalties mean something in their business context, they have no motivation to "do right".

How long have they been buying airtime, I wonder.
How much exposure did Sony music drones recieve from it?
How much revenue did this policy generate for Sony?

My off the cuff guess is a fuck of a lot more than ten million dollars.

So they write off the 10 million as an advertising loss and go on their merry way, shoving bullshit down the open gullet of the vox populi.

Yay team!

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