Friday, March 11, 2011

This Morning in the Marsh

Fuss demanded we hit Sweet Springs this morning because he wanted to see if the "ducks were home", as they've been AWOL our last few visits. Happily they were, or a pair anyway. Success!

As we wandered around he came across a forked Eucalyptus branch with two tufts of leaves.

"hey...this one's got ears!" he noted, waving the evidence overhead.

A bit further down the path he found a similar branch, devoid of leaves.
He picked it up and proclaimed "dada, this one's got HORNS!"

He also told me a long story about the stream running under the footbridge, where it was coming from and the obstacles it had to overcome to reach the pond in front of us and eventually the sea.
I wish I had a tape recorder on hand, it was so delightful the words fled my consciousness almost before I heard them.

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