Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge Day Nine: A Song You Can Dance To

Well, you can dance to just about any song, given proper motivation.
Why not 'a song that makes you want to dance', or 'your favorite song to dance to'?


Bobo unearthed this one from the stacks at BooBoo's on an LP of assorted DC GoGo music (back in the day our record buying rule of thumb was when in doubt, buy an exotic compilation!)
It summarizes the dancing-est era of my life, which also jousts for the title of 'Most Miserable And Dysfunctional'. Although I wouldn't trade it for anything, unlike the competition. It's a reductive alchemy memory performs to forge a Golden Age, burning away all the bad shit, melting the good together to craft a Utopian skyline.

I was living at Little Havana with Bobo and Hudson (before his interest in National Socialism metastasized), crashing on the fold-out couch in the living room lulled to sleep each night by the alternating green and red ceiling glow from the stoplight by the 7-11 at the bottom of the hill. We all had jobs doing hard work in unpleasant conditions, me at a sausage plant working 12-15 hour days in a refrigerated metal box, the boys in the kitchen at Angelo's.

The emotional equilibrium was wildly variable.
One afternoon I came home to Ministry's Stigmata vibrating the pavers in the courtyard while Hudson and a pal beset a plaid couch in the middle of the living room with an axe and a machete, respectively. At the conclusion of the number they hurled the dismembered pieces out a window onto the sidewalk.

We all benefited from structured releases of energy, and regular impromptu dance parties were primary safety valves. Someone would come home in the right frame of mind, hit the strobe light in the corner of the living room and off we'd all go. The strobing was a bug light for locals, who'd drop in for the festivites. One memorable evening we rocked so hard a mircroclimate was created in the living room, condensation from the ceiling raining down on us.

There aren't many other memories I'd trade the spirit of a really good dance party for.

Another contender for defining track

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