Monday, July 5, 2010

things they don't tell you

If you have a kid, and that kid gets sick...YOU'RE getting sick.

Barring some kind of extreme FEMA style emergency response like sending the kid to live in the Superdome for a week, or trading in your bathrobe and slippers for a hazmat suit and rebreather, there is no escape.

Fuss's favorite tactic is looking sweet and adorable and then sneezing in my mouth when I pick him up to exclaim over his beauty.

In some book I read when I was a kid when one child got stick the folks would make all their kids sleep together so everyone else would get sick and they could get it out of the way.

Suddenly I understand the logic...

1 comment:

  1. Common Mumps tactic because its much worse to get it later in life.
