Don't call me at work with "important messages" for the Wife, mmk?
There's this thing called an answering machine, which we got pretty much just to spam-trap your bipolar ranting, so feel free to use it!
The only genuinely important message you could deliver is the one you never will, that you've started taking your meds and stopped your inexorable march down the rutted path that leads to pushing a shopping cart around town and yelling obscenities at the clouds.
Yeah, look, it's too bad nobody wants to talk to you and now you've apparently worn out even God's welcome at your church. I feel bad for you, honestly. I remember when you were only insane some of the time and I could see flashes of the person you could have been if your parents hadn't been hopeless alcoholics and if you hadn't married an abusive lunatic, or if you'd left him and taken your kids with you when the opportunity presented itself.
But life being how it is, we've all got to play the hands we're dealt. Like for example your kids.
They'd like a sane, loving mother, but they've got you. So you're not allowed to martyr yourself on their acts of self preservation.
If you want to have relationships deeper than harassing various clerks around town and accosting strangers on the sidewalk who aren't alert enough to avoid your dead-eyed stare or rude enough to cut you off mid-rant, you need to start taking meds. Fuck new diets, new churches, new 'alternative therapies'. Your brain doesn't work right, and until you address that fact in a constructive way I'm not putting up with another ounce of your bullshit.
Sounds like a strong case for enforced medication. Stay strong my brother.