Monday, April 12, 2010

upside of the global marketplace & devaluation of the printed word

Someone somewhere on the internet in some thread about fantasy novels mentioned that they liked Malcolm Pryce.

I nosed around Amazon and found a copy of Aberystwyth, Mon Amour for fifteen cents plus $3.99 standard shipping. So, about half the going rate for a standard American pocket book.

Here are the rates for Royal Mail Air service.

I simply don't understand why they're bothering to sell me this book.


  1. Hey! Have you read any of this series before? I see them all over the bookstores when I'm in Wales doing my PhD work--because my univiersity is in Aberystwyth . . . It's Aberystwyth University!

    Tell me if the book is good.

  2. Will the synchronicity never cease!

    The Daily Telegraph review promises the book will "do for Aberystwyth what Irvine Welch did for Edinburgh". Unsure if that's a compliment or an indictment.

    I'll keep you posted.
