Saturday, April 3, 2010


Aunt Helen wanted to watch the baby for a few hours yesterday, so we had a date.
In the post-Fuss era 'date' is defined as doing normal stuff you can't fully enjoy with a baby tagging along. One previous 'date' involved taking a nap together. Another time we sat in the cafe at Borders and read magazines.
Scintillating stuff!

We seized the opportunity to zip over to Morro Bay, where Wife got a massage from a reflexologist while I sniffed through the nearby thrift stores and junk shops for books. Found a real winner, increasingly rare in a world where any kook with a cell phone can do my job. I picked up a few more nicely listable items from an antique mall after the massage, then it was off to the Hofbrau for a leisurely dinner.

Had a weird moment where I saw someone who looked familiar out of the corner of my eye. It was the guy behind the counter slicing the meat for the French Dips, who I recognized from decades ago when mom would take me there. The disbelieving Wife engaged him on our way out and lo, it was the son of the founders who'd been in the game for 40-odd years.

So I can't remember names to save my life, but I can spot a guy I don't really know who I haven't seen in 30 years out of the corner of my brain is a bizarre organ.

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