Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CDs stink, I'm going back to the source

Meggsie has shown me the light!

Inaugural vinyl purchases:

Arcade Fire, Funeral

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart, self titled

Elliott Smith, Figure 8

Wolf Parade, Apologies to the Queen Mary


  1. Analog, like the cockroach, cannot be slain, only contained.

  2. Analog like the cockroach is a pain in the ass.

    FYI - Make sure to spend as much or more on the needle and cartridge than you do on the turntable itself. I've been out of the loop too long but when I knew my shit moving magnet cartridges and Ortofon where the stuff.

  3. turntable is coming free from the bro-in-law, so the $$$ is there for a good cartridge.

    also, everyday musical heavy lifting will be done by the computer and the cd player- I'm just done with buying CDs. Albums will be for special occasions and to shower financial support on artists I love.

  4. I have used both Ortofons and Stantons, and for your purposes the Stantons will be more-than-adequate. Ortofons sound a smidge better, but not three-times-the-price better.

  5. I think that you should start scratching with your turntable and call yourself MC dookie.

    I will provide the large clock and gold chain for your chest.
