Saturday, September 13, 2008


I've posted some new flickr bait.

It's all basically the same few pictures re-staged with different costumes and lighting on the same set.

He doesn't do much as yet, so he's either in his buzzy chair or someone is holding him in the glider or he's asleep. Still, I feel compelled to document the stasis.

People assure me this will change soon enough and having been around the Fiend I believe them because she changes weekly. We're too close to the Fusser for that kind of time lapse. I can tell he's bigger, because he fits in the carseat better and his head sticks up over the top of the front pack, but he doesn't look any different.

Today we were staring at each other and I realized the sturm und drang of these first few months will be largely forgotten, the same way we've mostly eradicated the terror and misery of that week in the hospital. We'll remember his wisdom of the ancients gaze and comical noises and the sense of universal wellbeing coming off him in waves when he sleeps and forget the shrieking fits in the middle of the night and the gallons of curdled puke and crapping in the middle of diaper changes.

Everything fades eventually and we ply our feathery erasers on the worst offenders, finally reducing parallel ranks of engraved stone monoliths to smooth beach sand.

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