Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Costco Rule

It has a $100 minimum.

If anyone has ever escaped for less than a C note, impart to me the secret ritual.

We re-upped today for a couple of very good reasons.
One, cheap diapers.
Two, the new place has a garage so bulk buying is viable.

Checkout delivered $125 reminders why we'd let it lapse.

When you look up 'slippery slope' in the capitalist dictionary there's a picture of Costco.

"Oh, look how cheap this bale of diapers is! And we need more wipes. The lid fell off our Brita pitcher...and this one comes with two filters! Say, this Parmesan cheese looks incredible..."

etc etc etc.

I think we need to make a list at home and then pay some kid in the parking lot $5 to hit the store and fill it for us. I'm not strong enough to shop there!

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