Tuesday, June 6, 2006

when shallow people make "greatest _____ of _____" lists

Upfront, this is a stupid link.
I'm linking it because I want to mock it, not because it's inherently any good.

I see the subject: Greatest 100 Movie Posters of All Time
I get excited! I expect greatness! Of all time? There will probably be stuff I'm not familiar with...neato!

Then I click it.


A better title: "Best Movie Posters of my experience, which is limited to the past 15 years or so, with a couple of old ones thrown in to make people shallower than me think I spent more than five minutes on this list".

Sure, a mouthful, but accurate.

I was already bored and annoyed by the list when I came across this entry for the film Descent:

A very clever nod to the hidden image on the moth in the "Silence of the Lambs" poster - The skull is made up of the six girls

It's a rip off of one of the great surrealist illustrations of the 20th century, not the poster for Silence of the Lambs.

I understand we live in a culture and a time where shamelessly overstating your case is part and parcel of getting heard, but this really takes the cake.

I could have my three-year old niece throw darts at my copy of 1001 Movie Posters and come up with a better, more accurate and more representative list than this juvenile twaddle.

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