Wednesday, June 28, 2006

sick time

I hate being sick like Huey Newton hated The Man.
Fortunately I confront my nemesis only rarely...unlike Huey, who died of his affliction.

One silver lining of teh sick is freely indulging my weakness for cream of tomato soup & saltine crackers, one of the few relics of my childhood I've allowed to remain standing.

Another is grabbing a pile of b-movies and hunkering down on the couch for several hours of uninterrupted exploitation with absolutely no guilt.
Our DVD player is one of those weird Sony 5-disc changers, neatly eliminating the need to move for anything short of a pressing emergency.

tonight's lineup:

Battle Royale, a movie I've been meaning to see for a few years and not one I could ever talk the wife into, even though it stars Takeshi Kitano. He became a favorite of ours during our Paris idyll a few years ago. The movie house closest to our hotel was having a Kitano film festival where we stopped every day on our way back from touristy outings.

Predator II

I couldn't make it past the first 15 minutes of Aliens vs Predator so I thought I'd give this goofy sequel another spin.

Sword in the Moon
A modern Korean martial arts flick. I've been meaning to take a closer look at the Korean cinema renaissance...what better representative than a movie Rotten Tomatoes tags with the keywords "Foreign Films, Korean, Action, Adventure, Martial Arts, Vengeance, Assassins"

Pitch Black

I don't "get" Vin Diesel, but after seeing him on some talk show unabashedly admitting he played AD&D as a kid I decided to give him another chance. Even sickness would be no excuse for a Fast and the Furious screening, so this SF opus got the nod.

will report back with my findings.

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