Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Pitchfork: Top 50 Albums of 2005

Plus a lot of other stuff too.

Pitchfork is a trusty barometer of the 'indie' music scene, and they've tipped me off to many a fine album this year. I don't share their enthusiasm for Kanye (aside from his sublime dis of Chimperor George) or Cam'ron (unhip, un-urban white dude disclaimer: the last rap album I liked was Straight Outta Compton), but they have a bunch of good stuff there.

A quick Bax look at the ones I've heard, front to back:

Illinoise: I really liked it, the wife thought it was too precious and didn't dig Sufjan's voice. A good one, but beware the near-fanatic enthusiasm of female fans of a certain age...he's got some kind of messianic hold on them.

MIA: Interesting, but too avant garde for my aging ears. Kind of the alt-rap version of free jazz, and a bit too far out on the musical frontier for my taste.

I Am A Bird Now: I didn't 'get' it, and the androgynous whine of Antony grated on my ears.

LCD Soundsystem: A couple of amazing tracks, including one inspired by my friend James (Daft Punk is Playing At My House....James had a band Murphy was in before LCD play in his living room and heard from a NY record rep that was the genesis of the tune), some filler. Overall pretty good.

Wolf Parade: Awesomeness.

Sleater-Kinney: don't usually like them, but this was the rockingest album of the year. Possessed by the ghost of rock icons past, it avoided the chill of the tomb with inventive songwriting and a pure, genuine passion.

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: the most fun, infectious album of the year. The album I'd recommend everyone get, whatever kind of music you prefer.

New Pornographers: I love Neko Case, and she sings a couple of amazing leads on this one, so it gets my seal of approval.

Spoon: About half really great songs, and half pretty good ones. A winner.

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