Wednesday, December 28, 2005

more bad news for Hollywood

we make crappy movies and nobody watches them...waaaah, waaaah, waaaaaah!

Here's a firsthand report from a fellow on one of the forums I frequent that has some undefined promotional job with Warner Brothers:

I spoke to Masters students at Pepperdine University specifially about this.

I mentioned that between the huge amount of cable, other activities, video games, bootlegging and the overpricing of tickets and also the unoriginal movies put out, there was and will continue to be a slump.

One thing though is that it will not be like the record business. It'll be a lack of box-office numbers. Funny thing that's weird, WB (my home) had it's best year ever and was the only studio to have three 200,000,000.00 dollar movies domestically in one year.

What's always going to happen too is that in spite of lowered box-office, home video that wasn't there 15 years ago makes up so much that we're actully make MUCH more money on movies than ever.

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