Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh, Happy Ween!

This was Fuss' declaration earlier in the month, before he figured out the correct pronunciation. We have to archive his 'cute' statements as they happen or miss them- his language skills most swiftly to enforce verbal orthodoxy. I'm worried about a rocky transition when Halloween disappears from the cultural landscape, it's been his alpha and omega for so long. The Christmas orbital bombardment will create a distraction, but the Little Man seems to find skeletons, bats and ghouls intrinsically more fascinating than reindeer and elves.

We'll see.

In the interest of seasonal 'content' beyond baby anecdotes and overheard snippets, here are some high quality foreign horror flicks Meggsie & I culled from the Netflix streaming archives over the last few weeks. In deference to Meggsie's status as a horror lightweight, they're more creepy & suspenseful than gory & terrifying.

Tale of Two Sisters
Some cultural disconnect sows occasional confusion, but rock solid performances and quality direction make it the best straight up 'haunted house' film since The Shining.

The Orphanage
A+ movie with a twist shock ending that actually shocks, and also manages something perilously close to a happy ending.

The pace is rather glacial and it's more of an exploration of existential enuii than a straight up thriller, but it achieves some notable scares nonetheless.

A little rough around the edges and with a notably unappealing protagonist, still delivers the scares in abundance.