Tuesday, March 30, 2010

true customer tales

lady on phone fishing for pricing information:

lady: So, would you be interested in a copy of My Life by Bill Clinton?

me: No.

lady: Why not?

me: It isn't that saleable and there are copies all over the place- it's not the kind of book we need to pay for.

lady: But if you WERE going to buy it, what would you pay?

me: I wouldn't. It's a book we could get from a thrift store for a quarter, so I wouldn't pay anything for it.

lady: But suppose it was a book you wanted to buy, that cost $35, then what would you pay for it?

me, laughing: Then it would be a different book, and I'd have to take a look at it. Cover price has nothing to do with what we pay for a title, we work off what we can sell it for.

lady: So, you'd pay half the cover price for it?

me, with more laughing: No. No we wouldn't. Have a nice day!

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