Saturday, October 6, 2007


Ok, I'm over the epic collapse of the Padres and I've come to terms with the implosion of the Chargers. Back to blogging.

It's been the wife's Birthday Week, a tradition of her brothers that has gradually spread through the rest of the family. His efforts to promote Birthday Month didn't get traction, but Birthday Week is firmly entrenched.

The celebratory caravan stopped last night at Koberl.
I like the location a lot- I liked it when it was JP Andrews, I liked it when it was Charlie's, I liked it when it was Blue. Ok, so I didn't like it when it was Madision's. That was the fault of the a-hole manager and the 400 televisions they glued to all the walls, not the building.

Quickie review:
The food was excellent and the wine was stellar.
The bar was less impressive- my Bombay Sapphire & Tonic was flat and didn't taste much like Sapphire. I sent it back. The replacement's tonic was only 3/4ths dead but still didn't taste like Sapphire. I don't expect a bar to measure up to the high mixed drink standards I set at home, but tonic needs to be fizzy and you shouldn't try to pass lesser gin off as Sapphire, because some people will notice.
C'mon now.

The wife ordered a cappucino with the dessert course, and it literally tasted like lukewarm, stale Folger's with milk foam on top.
I've had better coffee at a truck stop in Wasco.
Much better.
And it only cost me a buck.

How is it even possible to make weak, watery espresso?
It tasted like something from a rest home cafeteria.

note to self:
stick to the wine list

The Fiend devoured more than her share of the desserts and it was like someone hit the Fast Forward button. Nobody could keep up with her the rest of the night.

Sorry Burl! =(

Tonight the caravan rolls down to Santa Barbara for a concert by The Shins.
Watch this space for a relay of the wife's review.

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