Or something....like I said, I don't really get these things.
They are to the LJ set as chain letters were to previous generations.
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
I'm going to violate rule 3 because I'm too lazy to do any of this "tagging".
If you're interested for some reason, post a reply in the comments....but I doubt anyone who reads this blog has any secrets from me.
Well, except maybe DT.
He's a mystery wrapped in the belly of The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh.
habits/quirks/facts about myself:
1: I compulsively update a blog that is read by maybe ten people.
2: I own a 1st edition of Farewell, My Lovely in a complete original dust jacket that I bought for a buck at a thrift store a few years back.
3: I'm going to see LCD Soundsystem and Arcade Fire at the Hollywood Bowl this Thursday.
4: I'm a hardcore boxing fan who regularly downloads European fights to satiate my unholy lust for the Sweet Science.
5: I just bought a pink linen shirt off the sale rack at Banana Republic.
6: I'm old enough to remember when Banana Republic was still a supplier of faux-safari wear, not Gap for the Well Qualified Buyer.
7: I know the truth behind all of Hudson's meme answers.
Mmmmm hmmmm.
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