Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oscars in a nutshell

Had fun at the party, my dips went over well. I'll be making the chipotle avocado one again, combining as it does the twin virtues of spectacular flavor & minimal preparation.

High points:

Alan Arkin.
Not only because the star of Freebie & The Bean deserves all the accolades that come his way, but because I was glad the unctuous Eddie Murphy was denied.

Jennifer Hudson
Not for winning an Oscar, but for blowing Beyonce off the stage during the Dreamgirls musical numbers. The sight of Beyonce's flapping, flailing 'big finish' was nearly as memorable as last year's It's Hard Out There For a Pimp number.

Glad he finally won, the guy has been overdue for going on two decades.
And I'm glad he won for a good movie, instead of those turds Aviator & Gangs.

Ennio Morricone
Clint's off the cuff translation of his speech from the Italian was special. The wife & bro-in-law affirm that he wasn't just pulling it out of his ass, either.

Low points:

Brutal cut-offs
This drove me f'ing crazy last year too. When an award has multiple recipients and the first person on the mic hogs ALL THE TIME while the co-winners fume and chafe in the background, then the music swells and they're all chased off the stage like wayward children.
Fuck that shit- either let them talk, or don't bother.

Jennifer Hudson's speech
I've had it with people who win Oscars and turn into hysterical children on the podium. You know you've been nominated, you know there is some chance you will win, you are an entertainment industry professional...PREPARE A GODDAMN SPEECH!
Hyperventilating and squealing OMG OMG OMG!! and then turning auctioneer to thank 500 people before they cut you off doesn't fly.
Do we have to go with a system where only Brits & old people are allowed to give speeches? Or some kind of 'surrogate speaker' program, where people like Hugh Grant, Helen Mirren, Judy Dench and Ian McKellan give acceptance speeches for everyone?

Peter O'Toole losing
Give the guy a fucking Oscar, he looked like he wouldn't last the night!
I can probably think of ten roles off the top of my head he should have gotten an Oscar for, and it is purely criminal he didn't win for Lawrence of Arabia, The Stunt Man or Becket.
When Forrest won, the wife stormed from the room and did puzzles with my niece for the rest of the broadcast.

Overall, a fun show. Not too many travesties of justice, Ellen was pretty funny & there were some good dresses.

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