Saturday, August 26, 2006

Day of Updates

So, for those of you wondering just how lazy I answer.

In the wake of Google "improving" the blogger interface they locked out the browser I use at work, an ancient version of Firefox from when it was still called Firebird. It still works with everything except blogger, and given it has roughly a century of accumulated bookmarks that I can't export you'll understand I am loathe to discard it.

Happily Blogger has started working with newer version of Firefox, like the one I'm using now.

And this brings us back to how lazy I am...switching from my preferred browser to this one to post updates fills me with existential ennui and triggers a desire to light up aGauloise, hit open mic night at the local cafe and shoulder aside the reeking horde of street poets, avant-jazz combos & budding stand up comedians to deliver my dire message of apocalyptic woe to a bemused crowd of hipsters typing on their Macbooks.

This, dear reader, is why you have been so sorely neglected the past while.

Thus, the Day of Updates.
Let loose the doves and balloons, sound the trumpets and prepare for the blogging rapture of angelic updates fluttering onto your monitors in an unending stream!

Well, at least for the next couple of hours...

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