Saturday, September 17, 2005

customers: Oregon

I had a weird interaction with one of those women on the far side of 40 who think working out obsessively, a mahogany tan and dressing 20 years too young does anything but radiate desperation.

woman(purchasing a Buddhist philosophy book by Trungpa):
*sigh* I wish I had my Oregon stuff with me....we don't pay tax there.
me: mmm. Ok, here's your recipt.
woman (trying for a smile, ending up with a smirk) could you, uh, recycle that for me, or something?
me: (pause)....sure.

what I didn't say was "well, in Oregon your school district has to shut down early because they can't pay the teachers."

And what's up with people who are allergic to recipts?
Every couple of days I'll get someone who can't be bothered with their recipt.
And like the people who make a big production number out of saying they don't want a bag, they always do some song-and-dance about it. Either the recycle thing, or they have to explain to me why they don't want the recipt (deathly afraid of paper cuts, abusive father collected recipts, allergic to paper, etc).

Now there's some smelly dude in a positively filthy hat perusing the sale cart...another post might be forthcoming.

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