r/e your latest capitulation to the right wing, let me paraphrase Withnail:
Stuff it up your arse for free, and fuck off while you're doing it!
Good luck with your reelection campaign in 2012!
As dissatisfied as I am with your lack of integrity, honesty, backbone and respect for the Constitution and the office of the President, the unfortunate reality is that you're still a vast improvement on whichever malevolent sociopath survives the Teatard hoards in the Republican Thunderdome to claim their nomination.
However, fear of Preznit Huckabee imposing evangelical Sharia law isn't enough to secure my support.
I will continue to vote for those Democrats who advocate for core progressive principles, which California is fortunate enough to have in abundance (not you, Dianne, you suck too). But I'm finished with gutless DLC wonders who's only concern is seeking the approval of beltway gasbags, wealthy donors and people who will never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, ever support them.
and for my Democratic friends who still believe, a musical epilogue to consider: